Saturday, September 23, 2006

OMG, The Neighbors R Gay!

I'm used to hearing thumping, bumping, fucking and some other stuff living in an apt. complex, but yesterday I heard something coming from next door that threw me 4 a loop. They were playing "Show Me Love" by Robin S. and I immediately thought, "OMG! My neighbor is a big homo! But what about that girl he lives with? But he DOES have a whole group of bois that come around an awful lot!"

Now, does listening to Robin S. "Show Me Love" make my neighbor gay? I don't know, U tell me! LOL. Obviously, it doesn't. But isn't it funny that we can equate certain artists or music with being queer? For instance, if I hear a boy listening to Madonna, oh honey pleeeaase, he is SO gay! Or showtunes or Pet Shop Boys or wuteva, u get the idea. I wonder if I'm going to be one of those artists? Like will people say, "ooooh, he's listening to Saturn! He MUST be gay!" ?

Ironically, I have just as many if not more straight people who dig my music than homos. Which is awesome! I definitely don't want to be pigeonholed either way. But it's good 2 know that songs about man on man action don't turn off ALL the breeders! And NO, not all my songs are about cock! thank U very much. :-)

Anyhoo, another interesting tidbit ... b4 I came out ... I actually wrote love songs about girls!! They were disingenuous obviously. At least now I'm keeping it real. Just imagine if all the gay people in pop music (god, there R really toooo many 2 name, aren't there?) actually wrote music that came from the heart, their experiences or their life ... there wouldn't be such a thing as "gay" music because we'd all be over it already! Well, I think we'll get there eventually. In the meantime ... I have a WHOLE lot of stories 2 tell in song!

"Have U ever wanted 2 play with someone so much U'd take any one boy or girl?" - Prince, Anna Stesia

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